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Research Publications

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Journal publications

  1. Hatzis A, Stranjalis G, Megapanos C, Sdrolias PG, Panourias IG, Sakas DE., (2007) : “The current range of neuromodulatory devices and related technologies”, Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 2007; 97(Pt 1):21-29 (pdf)

  2. Angelakis E, Hatzis A, Panourias IG, Sakas DE., (2007) : “Brain-computer interface: a reciprocal self-regulated neuromodulation”, Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 2007; 97(Pt 2):555-559 (pdf)

  3. Hawley M.S., Enderby P., Green P.D., Cunningham S.P., Brownsell S., Carmichael J., Parker M., Hatzis A., O’Neill P., and Palmer R., (2007) : “A speech-controlled environmental control system for people with severe dysarthria”, Medical Engineering & Physics, 29(5):586-93 (pdf)

  4. Polychronaki G, Stoitsis J, Tsirogiannis G, Giannakakis G, Psegiannakis A, Gatzonis S, Chatzis A, Siatouni A, Stefanatou M, Georgakoulias N, Papathanasiou M, Remoundou M, Aggelopoulos E, Baltogiannis C, Sdrolias P, Singounas E, Sakas D, Nikita K, (2006) : “Design and development of a web-based database system for the management and analysis of epilepsy patients’ data: Epilepsy database EPILDA”, Epilepsia , vol. 47: p.67, Suppl. 3

Book Chapter

  1. Hawley M., Enderby P., Green P., Brownsell S., Hatzis A., Parker M., Carmichael J., Cunningham M., ONeill P., Palmer R., (2003) : “STARDUST; Speech Training And Recognition for Dysarthric Users of Assistive Technology”, In Assistive Technology – Shaping the Future, Craddock et al (eds), IOS Press, pp 959-64.

Publications in conference proceedings

  1. Stranjalis G., Stavrinou L., Hatzis A., Sakas D.E., (2009) : “A Modern Neuro-Surgical Operating Room at Evangelismos Hospital”, In Proc of Data Mining in BioMedicine 2009 Conference (DMINBIO), Athens (pdf)

  2. Hawley M., Enderby P., Green P., Brownsell S., Hatzis A., Parker M., Carmichael J., Cunningham S., Oneill P., Palmer R. (2003) : “STARDUST; Speech Training And Recognition for Dysarthric Users of Assistive Technology”, Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) (pdf)

  3. Öster, A-M., House, D., Hatzis, A., & Green, P. (2003). Testing a new method for training fricatives using visual maps in the Ortho-Logo-Paedia project (OLP). In Proc of Fonetik 2003, Umeå University, Dept of Philosophy and Linguistics PHONUM 9 (pp. 89-92) (pdf)

  4. Hatzis A., Green P., Carmichael J., Cunningham S., Palmer R., Parker M., O’Neill P., (2003): “An Integrated Toolkit Deploying Speech Technology for Computer Based Speech Training with Application to Dysarthric Speakers”, in Proc. 8th European Conference on Speech Communication Technology (Eurospeech), Geneva (pdf)

  5. Green, P., Carmichael, J., Hatzis, A., Enderby, P., Hawley, M.S. and Parker M., (2003) : “Automatic Speech Recognition with Sparse Training Data for Dysarthric Speakers”, in Proc. 8th European Conference on Speech Communication Technology (Eurospeech), Geneva, Switzerland: 1189-1192 (pdf)

  6. Hatzis A., Green P.D., (2001) : “A two dimensional kinematic mapping between speech acoustics and vocal tract configurations”, Workshop on Innovation in Speech Processing (WISP’01), April (pdf)

  7. Hatzis A., Green P.D., Howard S., (1999) : “Optical Logo-Therapy (OLT) : Visual displays in practical auditory phonetics teaching”, Phonetics Teaching & Learning Conference (PTLC’99) (pdf)

  8. Hatzis A., Green P.D., Howard S., (1997) : “Optical Logo-Therapy (OLT), A computer based real time visual feedback application for speech training”, European conference on speech communication and technology (Eurospeech’97) (pdf)

  9. Hatzis A., Green P.D., Howard S., (1996) : “Optical Logo-Therapy (OLT), A computer based speech training system for the visualisation of articulation using connectionist techniques”, Institute of Acoustics conference on speech and hearing (IOA’96) (pdf)

Conference presentations

  1. Hatzis A., Stranjalis G., Gatzonis S., Themistokleous M., Stavrinou L., Konofaou V., Sakas D.E. (2009) : “NeuroHEALIS – A Neurosurgical Health Information System for Integration of Clinical Research and Clinical Care”, 7th ICICTH Conference, Samos (pdf)

  2. Χατζής Α., Στράντζαλης Γ., Φλάσκας Θ., Παπάζογλου Σ., Μποβιάτσης Ε., Σακάς Δ.Ε. (2008) : ”Η Συμβολή των Πολυμέσων στην Νευροχειρουργική Εκπαίδευση”, 22ο Πανελλήνιο Σύνεδριο Νευροχειρουργικής, Αθήνα, Ιούνιος (mpg)

  3. Ανταλοπούλου Α., Δημητρούλη Α., Καμπισιούλη Ε., Λουφαρδάκη Μ., Χατζής Α., Στράντζαλης Γ., Σακάς Δ.Ε. (2007) : “Όψιμη αποκατάσταση ασθενών με βαριά κρανιογκεφαλική κάκωση (ΚΕΚ)”, 21ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Νευροχειρουργικής, Ρόδος, Μάιος

  4. Χατζής Α., Στράντζαλης Γ., Μποβιάτσης Ε., Γκατζώνης Σ., Σδρόλιας Π., Λουφαρδάκη Μ., Γιαννακάκης Γ., Τσιρογιάννης Γ., Νικήτα Κ., Σακάς Δ.Ε., (2007) : “ Η συμβολή της Ιατρικής Πληροφορικής στην Νευροχειρουργική", 21ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Νευροχειρουργικής, Ρόδος, Μάιος 2007 (pdf)

  5. Hatzis A., (2003): “H αιχμή της τεχνολογίας στην οπτικοακουστική ανατροφόδοτηση μέσω υπολογιστή”, Workshop proceedings of the speech therapy department, Technical Institution of Ioannina, Greece (pdf)

  6. Parker M., P. Green, P. Enderby, M. Hawley, S. Cunningham, R. Palmer, Hatzis A., J. Carmichael, S. Brownsell, & P. O’Neill. (2004) “Speech Training and Recognition for Dysarthric Users of Assistive Technology.” The Society for Research in Rehabilitation, Winter Meeting, Weetwood Hall, Leeds.

  7. Parker M.; P. Green; P. Enderby; M. Hawley; S. Cunningham; R. Palmer; Hatzis A.; J. Carmichael; S. Brownsell; P. O’Neill (2003) “Speech Training and Recognition for Dysarthric Users of Assistive Technology” CPLOL Conference Edinburgh (pdf)

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