How do I train big footwork? – Two Two

To start training big footwork, “Two Two” is ideal. The exercise is a variant of “One One”: You always play two or one ball from your forehand into the middle, then from your backhand also into the middle. Every time you switch from forehand to backhand and back, a lot of footwork is required. This can get pretty intense!

Table Tennis Drill Attack 2xBH and 2xFH to the middle

Attacker is playing two BackHand and two ForeHand to the middle

Attacker 1st ball BackHand to the middle - Defender blocks with BackHand to BackHand position
Attacker 2nd ball BackHand to the middle - Defender blocks with BackHand to ForeHand position
Attacker 3rd ball ForeHand to the middle - Defender blocks with BackHand to ForeHand position
Attacker 4th ball ForeHand to the middle - Defender blocks with BackHand to BackHand position