How can I play balls more accurately ? Forehand placement from backhand
Precision in table tennis – the best way to train this is with “forehand placement from backhand”: This exercise is all about the precise placement of your shots. The exercise is also worthwhile for the blocker, because the balls have to be played into the backhand again and again in a controlled manner while moving from different positions. If you find it difficult to play precisely, simply slow down. Can you maybe improve next time?
Table Tennis Drill Block from 3 positions
Attacker is playing forehand into three positions (Forehand, Middle and Backhand) and Defender is blocking
Attacker 1st ball ForeHand diagonally - Defender blocks with ForeHand
Attacker 2nd ball ForeHand to the middle - Defender blocks with ForeHand
Attacker 3rd ball ForeHand parallel - Defender blocks with BackHand