Lockdown supporters called me a killer I feel solidarity with Dr. Karol Sikora and every single person on Earth who raised his voice in resistance against the global totalitarian regime that imposed lockdowns, masks, vaccinations, and other oppressive measures upon people and nations. These oppressive, extremely scientifically biased measures, that by what everyone experiences around him proved to have a significantly large negative effect. All these measures for a lab virus that caused an epidemic that those in power decided to call it pandemic to serve their agenda. These extracts are from his article on The Telegraph.

Opposing the relentless raft of lockdown policies was a lonely and, at times, extremely unpleasant experience. Those of us who voiced concerns about effectively closing down a country were labelled as far-Right extremists who were happy to see millions perish to the disease. It was a disgrace, legitimised by low-grade politicians…

There will be no apologies from the baying lockdown mob – the damage has been done, the debate has mostly moved on and the inquiry may well become a total whitewash. The Telegraph’s lockdown files have done a great service in partially halting that march.

I remember the dark days of lockdown. The usual voices using the horrific daily death tolls to beat and abuse lockdown sceptics, blaming us for every single poor soul contained in those figures, and taking immense glee from ratcheting up the vile language to garner more Twitter likes. Many of those voices are now totally silent on the thousands and thousands of non-Covid excess deaths related to lockdown delays and backlogs. I have no regrets in my opposition to a variety of lockdown policies and the language I used throughout the pandemic – I wonder if they can say the same?

We now know for sure that some decisions taken were based in PR and politics, rather than science and sense. When the Health Secretary is talking about “frightening the pants off everyone” with a new strain, those of us who voiced scepticism at the time about the language used can feel vindicated.

I’m desperate for a Covid inquiry whitewash to be avoided for one simple reason: this cannot be allowed to happen again. If we don’t at least ask the questions, when another pandemic, or the threat of one, comes around, lockdown cannot be the go-to option. The advisers who made the past recommendations cannot be used ever again.

My lockdown inbox was overflowing with desperate cancer patients whose treatment had been indefinitely postponed. I remember one case of a mother who had her chemotherapy cancelled, leading to her tragic death leaving behind three young children and a loving husband. And it’s not just cancer: cardiac issues untreated, blood pressure out of control, strokes uncared for, other preventative measures forgotten and of course soaring obesity. The post-lockdown crisis is across all aspects of healthcare, physical and mental. That is for those lucky enough to receive any medical support or diagnosis at all. Others were told to stay home and that’s exactly what they did – dying there without the care they needed and deserved.

To those of you who took a brave stand speaking out against various restrictions and policies – from me, a sincere thank you.

Well, thank you Dr. Karol Sikura, for your courage to resist and show that there are still many true scientists in our world that do their best to serve the truth and not the lies and fear that this new world order mob spreads to their subordinates and followers.

Do not keep silent, our life is very short, new generations will come, we will disappear. Me and you lived in a free world, they will become slaves, they will be born slaves unless me and you speak the truth, unless me and you do what is right. We are not machines to obey the rules of those that trained us. Stand up ! We were born free and we have consciousness to understand what is good and what is evil, do not put a muzzle to the voice of your consciousness, do not put a muzzle on your face, please do not follow blindly orders !