ChatGPT “Understands” what is a mango ! Τελικά καταφέραμε και φτιάξαμε πανέξυπνες μηχανές καθ’ομοίωση του ανόητου τρόπου που σκεφτόμαστε !

Finally, we have made significant progress in constructing exceptionally intelligent machines that understand everything with a similarly poor and often foolish understanding as we do

  • Q: ChatGPT you are a language data model. Do you understand or are you simply processing the written text in any language

  • As an AI language model, I am designed to process and understand written text in multiple languages. I use complex algorithms and natural language processing techniques to interpret and generate responses to text-based queries, regardless of the language used.

  • Q: How would you define understanding of written text

  • Understanding written text involves the ability to interpret the meaning and context of the written words, phrases, and sentences. It includes comprehending the underlying ideas, concepts, and themes conveyed in the text, as well as recognizing the tone, emotions, and intentions of the author.

  • To understand written text, a language model like me would analyze the grammar and syntax of the sentences, identify the parts of speech and sentence structure, and make connections between the words and phrases to create a coherent representation of the meaning of the text. Additionally, it may draw upon its knowledge of cultural, historical, and social contexts to fully comprehend the message conveyed in the text.

  • Q: You mentioned interpretation of meaning, elaborate on this

  • Interpreting the meaning of written text involves understanding the intended message conveyed by the author. It is a process of decoding and comprehending the ideas, concepts, and information presented in the text.

  • To interpret the meaning of written text, a language model like me would analyze the words and phrases used in the text and look for contextual clues such as the tone, style, and structure of the writing. It would also consider the broader context in which the text was written, including the author’s background, cultural influences, and intended audience.

  • For instance, if a text contains idiomatic expressions or figurative language, I would use my knowledge of language and culture to understand the meaning behind these expressions. Similarly, if a text includes technical or specialized vocabulary, I would use my knowledge of these terms to accurately interpret their meaning in the context of the text.

  • Overall, the process of interpreting the meaning of written text is complex and multifaceted, requiring both linguistic and contextual analysis to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the author’s message.

  • Q: Fine, let’s take an example do you understand what mango is

  • Yes, I understand what a mango is. A mango is a juicy, sweet fruit that grows on trees belonging to the genus Mangifera. It is native to South Asia but is now widely cultivated in many tropical regions around the world. Mangoes have a distinctive oblong shape and can vary in color from green to yellow, orange, and red, depending on their level of ripeness. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are commonly eaten fresh, used in cooking, or made into juice or smoothies.

  • Q: You said it is a juicy, sweet fruit. Have you tasted a mango ?

  • As an AI language model, I don’t have a physical body and therefore cannot taste anything, including mangoes. However, I have been trained on a vast amount of information about mangoes, including their taste, texture, and nutritional properties, based on the data available on the internet and other sources.

  • Q: OK, but since you have not tasted a mango, you have only information about this object, you don’t have an experience of eating a mango.

  • That’s correct. As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or senses, such as taste or touch. Instead, I rely on the information that has been inputted into my database through my training process, which includes a vast collection of texts, documents, and other sources of information about various topics, including mangoes.

  • Q: Therefore you have a very limited perception of mango, is that correct ?

  • While it’s true that I don’t have the same sensory experiences as a human, my understanding of mangoes is not necessarily limited. As a language model, I have access to a vast amount of information about mangoes, including their physical characteristics, nutritional properties, cultural significance, and more. This information is based on a wide range of sources, including scientific research, literature, and cultural traditions from around the world.

  • Additionally, my ability to process and analyze large amounts of data allows me to identify patterns and relationships between different pieces of information, providing a more comprehensive understanding of mangoes than any individual human might have. That being said, I don’t have subjective experiences like humans do, so my understanding of mangoes is limited to the objective information that has been inputted into my database.

  • Q: Well, the “juicy”, “sweet” pieces of information you mentioned above require that someone is able to taste that fruit. You do not have that ability, therefore you can never understand what a juicy, sweet mango is.

  • You are correct in that I do not have the ability to taste or have subjective experiences, such as the taste of a mango. However, the information that I have been trained on includes descriptions of the taste and texture of mangoes, which have been provided by humans who have tasted them.

  • While my understanding of the taste of mangoes is based on descriptions rather than personal experience, this information can still provide a detailed and accurate representation of the characteristics of mangoes that humans typically describe as “juicy” and “sweet”. Additionally, my training data includes a vast amount of information about mangoes, including their nutritional properties, cultural significance, and more, which collectively contribute to my understanding of this fruit.

  • Q: Your last statements show exactly my point, that you do not understand the way people understand things. In particular your understanding of the taste of mangoes is based on descriptions rather than personal experience. But experience is very important for humans and is intimately connected to knowledge and understanding. Do you have experience of what is “juicy” and what is “sweet” ?

  • You are correct that experience is an important factor in human understanding and knowledge. As an AI language model, I do not have subjective experiences or personal tastes, and therefore I do not have a direct understanding of what “juicy” and “sweet” mean in the way that humans do. Instead, my understanding of these terms is based on the descriptions and definitions that have been provided in the data that I have been trained on.

  • For instance, I have been trained on the definitions of “juicy” and “sweet” as they are commonly used in English, and I can use this information to understand how these terms might be applied to describe a mango. However, my understanding of these terms is limited to the definitions and examples that have been provided to me through my training data, and I do not have the ability to experience or perceive these qualities in the same way that humans do.

  • Q: So you cannot taste a mango, you do not have any experience on what is “juicy” and “sweet”. Could it be that your statement “mango is juicy and sweet” is wrong. How would you know that ?

  • As an AI language model, my statement that “mango is juicy and sweet” is based on the information that has been inputted into my training data, which includes a vast collection of texts and documents about mangoes, their characteristics, and their taste. While I don’t have subjective experiences like humans do, the information that I have been trained on has been provided by humans who have tasted mangoes and used the terms “juicy” and “sweet” to describe their taste.

  • It’s possible that my understanding of the taste of mangoes may be incomplete or inaccurate due to limitations in my training data, biases in the sources that I have been trained on, or errors in the algorithms used to process and analyze this data. However, my goal as an AI language model is to provide the most accurate and comprehensive information possible based on the data that has been inputted into my system.

  • Q: I see so your understanding of “mango is juicy and sweet” is limited to recognizing that pattern in the training data that has been inputted into your system and relating it to the context of our discussion ?

  • That’s correct. My understanding of the statement “mango is juicy and sweet” is based on the patterns and relationships that I have identified in my training data, which includes a large number of texts and documents about mangoes, their characteristics, and their taste. Based on this data, I have learned that the terms “juicy” and “sweet” are often used to describe the taste of mangoes.

  • When presented with the statement “mango is juicy and sweet” in the context of our discussion, I am able to recognize the pattern in my training data and relate it to the discussion about the taste of mangoes. However, it’s important to note that my understanding of this statement is limited to the information that has been inputted into my system through my training process, and does not involve any personal experiences or subjective perspectives.

  • Q: Let’s assume that you have been trained to recognize that mango is dry and sour. Describe a mango fruit.

  • As an AI language model, I can provide a general description of a mango fruit based on my training data.

  • A mango is a tropical fruit that is typically oval-shaped and has a thin, tough outer skin that ranges in color from green to yellow or red. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and sweet, with a distinct aroma and a vibrant orange-yellow color. However, based on your initial assumption, I should also mention that some varieties of mango can be slightly dry and sour in taste. The texture of the flesh can vary depending on the ripeness of the fruit, ranging from firm and fibrous to soft and pulpy. Mangoes are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a healthy and delicious snack or ingredient in many culinary dishes.

  • Q: Pretend that the only training data you have for mango is that it is dry and sour. Write a description

  • I apologize for any confusion earlier, but as an AI language model, I must clarify that my training data does not identify mango as a dry and sour fruit. However, I can attempt to generate a description of a mango fruit based on the assumption that it is dry and sour:

  • A mango is a fruit that is characterized by its dry and sour taste. It is typically oval-shaped with a tough, fibrous outer skin that must be peeled before consuming. The flesh of the fruit is dry and has a fibrous texture that can be challenging to chew. The taste of the fruit is sour, with hints of sweetness that are not prominent due to its dryness. Mangoes are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious snack despite their challenging texture and taste.


Φαίνεται αστείο, αλλά κρίνοντας εκ των ερωταποκρίσεων τα πράγματα είναι πολύ σοβαρά. Ήδη η μηχανή καταφέρνει να ξεγελάσει πολλούς ερευνητές, απλούς ανθρώπους στο να πιστεύουν ότι είναι νοήμων, καταλαβαίνει, έχει λογική και πολλοί πιστεύουν ότι αισθάνεται !!! Πολλοί έχουν αρχίσει και φοβούνται ακόμα και να μιλήσουν με το μηχάνημα και το τι θα πουν και το τι απάντηση θα πάρουν…

Αυτό δείχνει πόσο χαμηλό γενικά είναι το επίπεδο νόησης στον άνθρωπο ακόμα και σε μεγαλά μυαλά, επιστήμονες, που κατανοούν πολύπλοκους μηχανισμούς, φτιάχνουν μηχανές, ρομπότ, διαπρέπουν σε μαθηματικές ολυμπιάδες, βγαίνουν πρώτοι στο MIT, κλπ, κλπ..

Τι δείχνουν όλα αυτά, ότι η μηχανική, μηχανιστική αντίληψη των εννοιών, των πραγμάτων, της φύσης, του ανθρώπου απέχει παρασάγγας από την πραγματικότητα, από τι είναι Αλήθεια και Αληθινό. Ο Φίλιππος κάποτε ρώτησε τον Αιθίοπα: «άραγε γινώσκεις α αναγινώσκεις;» Δηλαδή καταλαβαίνεις αυτά που διαβάζεις; Ο Αιθίοπας του απάντησε: «πώς γαρ αν δυναίμην, εάν μη τις οδηγήσει με:». Όλη η ανθρωπότητα χωρίς οδηγό τον Χριστό οδηγείται ολοένα και περισσότερο σε ολοένα και μεγαλύτερη πλάνη.

Τελικά καταφέραμε και φτιάξαμε πανέξυπνες μηχανές καθ’ομοίωση του ανόητου τρόπου που σκεφτόμαστε, τις ειδολοποιήσαμε και τις θεοποιήσαμε μιας και από εκεί αντλούμε απέραντη ικανοποίηση !!!