Αυτοί που δεν φοβούνται να πούνε την αλήθεια…

  1. Dr. Andrew Kaufman | Medical Doctor & Forensic Psychiatrist from the USA
  2. Dr. Hilde De Smet | Medical Doctor from Belgium
  3. Dr. Nils R Fosse | Medical Doctor from Norway
  4. Dr. Elizabeth Evans | Medical Doctor from the UK
  5. Dr. Mohammad Adil | Medical Doctor from the UK
  6. Dr. Vernon Coleman | General Practitioner from the UK
  7. Prof. Dolores Cahill | Molecular Biologist and Immunologist from Ireland
  8. Dr. R Zac Cox | Holistic Dentist & Homeopath from UK
  9. Dr. Anna Forbes | Medical Doctor from the UK
  10. Dr. Ralf ER Sundberg | Medical Doctor fromSweden
  11. Dr. Johan Denis | Medical Doctor and Homeopath from Belgium
  12. Dr. Daniel Cullum | Chiropractic Physician from USA
  13. Dr. Anne Fierlafijn | Medical Doctor from Belgium
  14. Dr. Tom Cowan | Medical Doctor from the USA
  15. Dr. Kevin Corbett | Retired Nurse and Health Scientist from the UK
  16. Dr. Carrie Madej | Medical Doctor from the USA
  17. Dr. Barre Lando | Physician from USA
  18. Dr. Kate Shemirani | Natural Nurse from the UK
  19. Dr. Sandy Lunøe | Pharmacist from Norway
  20. Borris Dragin | Licensed Acupuncturist from Sweden
  21. Dr. Piotr Rubas | Medical Doctor from Poland
  22. Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo | Medical Doctor from Spain
  23. Dr. Rashid Buttar | Medical Doctor from the USA
  24. Dr. Nour De San | Medical Doctor from France
  25. Dr. Kelly Brogan | Medical Doctor from the USA
  26. Prof. Konstantin Pavlidis | Metaphysicist from the UK
  27. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | Medical Doctor from the USA
  28. Senta Depuydt | Journalist from Belgium
  29. Dr. Heiko Santelmann | Medical Doctor from Germany
  30. Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson | Neurologist from Germany
  31. Dr. Mikael Nordfors | Medical Doctor from Sweden
  32. Dr. Elke F. de Klerk | Medical Doctor from Holland
  33. Moritz von der Borch | Medical Journalist from Germany

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