Demonstration and protest of Dr. Katrin Kord from Oldenburg, Germany for COVID-19 and vaccines
Dear fellow human beings, I am grateful that I stand here today and showing my face is something special. Let me introduce myself, my name is Katrin Kord, I have three children and I am a family doctor here in Oldenburg.
I stand here because I feel responsible for the health of my patients, of my children and my own. And because I am angry that they are trying to control us with fear. Because I know this principle, this is the principle of our health system. Health system is unfortunately based on creating fear on both sides to earn money both from me as a doctor and from my patients.
There have been guidelines that I should follow for various diseases. Who writes these guidelines? I will give you an example. There is one European guideline for heart diseases, there are 25 authors, 19 of these authors have been advised and get money from the pharmaceutical industry. There is a nice saying, the kind of bread I eat, that kind of song I sing. These guidelines prescribe drugs that can have many side effects and thus they make a lot of money with them. If I don’t follow these guidelines and the condition of people gets worse for whatever reason, then they say Ms. colleague you did not follow the guidelines. You have to answer now. That creates fear and it is against my action. The sick people are also made afraid. If you don’t take this tablet then you will have a heart attack, listen I know that, I have studied that, there is no room for discussions. And then this person take these pills every day for weeks, in his whole life and a lot of money are earned with these. That is the principle.
Since the beginning of the crisis, we have been receiving horror messages from our government that said there is a new virus here and there will be millions dead if we do not protect you. We know best what is good for you because we have our experts. Unfortunately you cannot decide for yourself, you are too stupid, we have to isolate you, to incapacitate you, to put you a muzzle. All happens for your protection. They make you feel so afraid every day with the worst pictures that you don’t even dare to question the omnipresent mantra of Merkel government. It is only when they have a vaccine against this virus that we can return back to normal. In other words, only a vaccine can give us back our fundamental rights. This week European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pledged for 7.4 billion euros for the development and distribution of such a substance. Germany will give 525 million euros. But safety studies for the development of a vaccine take years, the new virus from the Korona family was found less than six months ago, nevertheless Paul-Ehrlich institute has been approved for testing on humans the mRNA vaccine. I will not get this stuff.
Paragraph 2 of the constitution does not describe the right to health but the right to physical integrity. Illness is part of our human nature but that does not give to anyone the right to harm our body with a questionable vaccine. We already pay for that with the economic and social consequences of the lock down and our tax money will be used to finance it with 525 million euros and that is just the beginning. Have we been asked if we agree with that, if we want to spend these money on such a material? No. We want to spend our tax money for other purposes, better education for our children, development of new technologies for the environment. better wages in health care, give some relief to immigrants, promotion of organic agriculture, for sports clubs, the list is endless. In other words for things that hold people healthy. But you see you cannot make money with these activities.
We are in the middle of a crisis but what is the way out of this crisis. People who think for themselves, who are creative, who take responsibility, those that take care of the health for themselves and others, those that are optimists, those that have friends and enjoy life, these people do not get sick easily. And even if they get sick they have a reconciliation with death. They know that this life has an end and they are in peace with that thought. You cannot terrify those people, you do not have any authority on those people. I borrowed this body and one day I will have to return it back but as long as I live in this body, as long as I feel, think and act, it will continue to be my own body.
01: 2020-05-30 10:02:59
Σχόλιο στο Facebook: 10222969169606247_10222969367691199 Αυτή είναι μια αυθόρμητη, αυθεντική και αληθινή διαμαρτυρία ενός επιστήμονα, ενός ιατρού για αυτά που συμβαίνουν στις μέρες μας. Ενός ανθρώπου που αγωνίζεται πράγματι για το καλό και το συμφέρον των συμπολιτών του. Ταπεινά υποβάλω τα σέβη μου Dr. Katrin Kord