Separating the Facts From the Misinformation About COVID-19

  1. Why are people freaking out about COVID-19 more than flu? R0 (reproductive factor) for COVID 19 is estimated at 2-4, R0 for seasonal influenza is 1.3
  2. Why should I even care if I get it? It doesn’t seem that lethal. It’s true that for healthy people under age 50, it’s not especially lethal — the mortality rate is quite low
  3. If I’m likely to get it, why not just get on with my daily routines if it doesn’t seem that dangerous? A slower spread will save many lives, because an overwhelmed health care system will not be able to provide care to all who need it.
  4. Aren’t other diseases like SARS, MERS, or H1N1 more lethal? So why freak out about this one? The issue isn’t the lethality of COVID-19 as much as the overall impact of the outbreak.
  5. How should I protect myself? Your best defense is frequent hand-washing with soap and water and not touching your face, nose, eyes, and other mucous organs.