Eric Liddell, the gold medalist in 400 meter race at the 1924 games in Paris Who Kept Hope Alive in a Japanese Prison Camp
”His story is inseparable from the drama of his refusal to compete on Sunday, believing it to be a breaking of God’s commandment. His intensity of Christian conviction was already out of style and often ridiculed, but Eric Liddell became one of the most famous men in the British Empire and the larger world of athletics."
"What Liddell did say, and more than once, was that God made him for China. This is what the viewers of the movie never learned. Liddell was born in Tientsin, China to missionary parents in 1902. Eric Liddell ran for God’s glory, but he was made for China. He desperately wanted the nation he loved to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believe.Eric Liddell ran for God’s glory, but he was made for China. He desperately wanted the nation he loved to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believe."
"Along with members of the China Inland Mission and many others, Christians and non-Christians alike, Eric Liddell was forced into a foretaste of hell itself in the Weihsien Internment Camp. He would die there shortly before the end of the war. In the concentration camp, Liddell became legendary and his witness for Christ astounded even many of his fellow Christians.”
01: 2019-06-14 22:54:49
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Έζησε όλη την ζωή του για τον Χριστό και τον συνάνθρωπό του και το απέδειξε έμπρακτα…
Και φυσικά δεν είναι τυχαία η ταινία αυτή που εξυμνεί τους άθλους του Eric Liddell με την παγκοσμίως γνωστή μουσική του Βαγγέλη Παπαθανασίου “Chariots of Fire”