The “Delphi Initiative” is a network of (mainly, but not exclusively) European intellectuals who oppose the attempt of international Finance and big international corporations to impose a dictatorship all around Europe. We believe that this is what the present day “European elites” are trying to realize. This is the real “agenda” behind the “Debt Wars” against specific European nations, behind the radical transformation of the EU into a structure dominated by big banks and, also, behind the TTIP.

It’s barbarism. I see it coming masqueraded under lawless alliances and predetermined enslavements. It may not be about Hitler’s furnaces, but about the methodical and quasi-scientific subjugation of Man. His absolute humiliation. His disgrace - Odysseas Elytis, Greek poet, in a press conference on the occasion of receiving the Nobel Prize (1979)


01: 2018-01-12 16:52:23

Σχόλιο στο Facebook: 10215482467163365_10215482509124414 Χρειαζόμαστε φωνές που να λένε την αλήθεια στους συμπολίτες τους. Χρειαζόμαστε δημοσιογράφους που να γράφουν τα γεγονότα με αντικειμενικό τρόπο, ανεπηρέαστοι και αχρημάτιστοι. Δεν υπάρχει άλλος δρόμος στον οποίο να πρυτανεύει η λογική. Ο άλλος είναι αυτός των όπλων, των απολυταρχικών καθεστώτων και του παρα-λογισμού.