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What happened to the preliminary report of Truth Committee ? Τhis is an extract from an old post of mine at my professional LinkedIn network dated 9th of September 2015. There is no better argument that this committee IS saying the truth to the public than what happened next. Αll its actions have ceased by Syriza-”Independent Greeks” party and president Alexis Tsipras ! There was hardly any opposition from political parties. Major mass media and press kept silence on the matter.

But the report is still there at the same web address of Hellenic Parliament as an evidence that “Greek” government is covering the truth and say lies to the Greeks.


If you do care about Greek citizens or European citizens then you SHOULD SHARE the preliminary report (pdf)

“They have been working with diligence in a period of five years from 2010 to 2015 to destabilize the economy of Greece, to plot an economic crisis in EU, and to transfer private debt to the public sector. Their pitiful achievements and the impact they had on our society are described and supported with evidence on the preliminary report of Truth Committee on Public Debt created by the President of the Hellenic Parliament Zoi Konstantopoulou. The Committee comprises members from Greece and ten other countries. Most have internationally recognized competence, expertise and experience in the subject matters while other participants represent local or international social movements.”


01: 2017-11-28 14:49:50

Σχόλιο στο Facebook: 10215106913214751_10215106933175250 Κάθε Έλληνας θα πρέπει να αναρτήσει το πόρισμα της επιτροπής αληθείας. Ειδικά όσοι κόπτωνται περί Δημοκρατίας, Ελευθερίας, Ισότητας, Δικαιοσύνης… https://www.facebook.com/athanassios.hatzis/posts/10207856626722120

02: 2017-11-28 15:17:00

Σχόλιο στο Facebook: 10215106913214751_10215107090699188 Και επιτρέψτε μου … καλό είναι να ανεβάζετε φωτογραφίες από εκδρομές και διακοπές, κέντρα και μέρη διασκέδασης, φαγητά και ποτά αλλά υπάρχουν και σοβαρά θέματα στη ζωή ΟΛΩΝ ΜΑΣ και αν περιμένετε από τα ΜΜΕ να τα προβάλουν χάσατε και χάσαμε όλοι μας γιατί είναι κατευθυνόμενα πλήρως…