“The governments of Eurozone countries decided to pretend that the Greek problem was only transient. They bypassed the laws, that the euro is based upon, which means the forbiddance of financial help towards the Zone’s members. They lend money to Greece, not in order to save the Greek government, but to save the German and French banks, that had recklessly lend to the insolvent Greek government.”
and this confession from a bureaucrat explains how …
”It is a huge issue for Europe, the fact that we got these “country-less technocrats”, as De Gaulle once called them. Non-elected officials that take decisions in Brussels. There is international bureaucracy here in Washington as well. I am one such bureaucrat. I find myself so far away from the problems. I never went to Greece and I have not seen the problems in the field. And so a dangerous situation is created for a country when so many decisions that are critical for the future of its citizens are taken in the discretion of those who do not know the conditions well”
and the reporter asks …
For how much longer will non-elected technocrats be excising power unchecked without accountability before parliaments and public opinion ?
01: 2017-04-05 08:41:46
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