We think we know, we know nothing, and even those that are in the process of knowing something, eventually they admit that they are still learning about it. The more you know something, the more you understand how deep your knowledge about this thing can become. Famous soloists are aware of this process. They are rediscovering day by day more about the quality of sound they can produce with their instrument. But it is not any more about the technical know-how, it is about knowing how to express themselves through the instrument and feel more the music they play. In my opinion knowledge is a very deep process that takes place inside of us. It can assist you to your search for the path to wisdom, but it will not make you wiser. I believe wisdom is part of the spiritual endeavor. We are fools if we believe our knowledge, not to say our technology, makes us wiser than our ancestors. Wisdom is about how you lead your life, how you live your life and depends on the utmost goal you strive to achieve in this life. For such a reason Socrates was a wise man and he really meant that “All I know is that I know nothing”.