They have been working with diligence in a period of five years from 2010 to 2015 to destabilize the economy of Greece, to plot an economic crisis in EU, and to transfer private debt to the public sector. Their pitiful achievements and the impact they had on our society are described and supported with evidence on the preliminary report of Truth Committee on Public Debt created by the President of the Hellenic Parliament Zoi Konstantopoulou. The Committee comprises members from Greece and ten other countries. Most have internationally recognized competence, expertise and experience in the subject matters while other participants represent local or international social movements.

The following passages from the report are my own highlights.

Lawful countermeasures

“As has been demonstrated in the present report, the creditors have committed internationally wrongful acts by imposing upon the Greek government several measures that violate rights enjoyed by the Greek people.

The outcome of these observations is that when a country becomes the target of actions that are known to harm its economy (especially to the benefit of its lenders) and the livelihood of its people, it may resort to lawful countermeasures.

Bad faith, the satisfaction of self-interests, the absence of legality and the detrimental effects of the conditions imposed on Greece to its economy and the livelihood of its people render the pertinent part of the debt odious, illegal or illegitimate.”

Chapter 6 - The impact of Greece “bailout” programme on human rights

  • Measures affecting the right to work
  • Measures affecting the right to health
  • Measures affecting the right to education
  • Measures affecting the right to housing
  • Measures affecting the right to social security
  • Measures affecting the right to self-determination
  • Measures affecting the right to justice
  • Measures causing poverty and social exclusion
  • Measures affecting freedom of expression and assembly
  • Measures affecting protection against

Chapter 8 - Assessment of the debt as regards

  • Unsustainability
  • Illegitimacy
  • Illegality
  • Odiousness