URL parameters of the Google search engine results page
- Date parameter
- The query parameter as_qdr in a Google search narrows the results to documents updated in the past period,
- For example the string as_qdr=y3 at the end of the search URL shows web pages indexed by Google over the past three years.
- The combination as_qdr=h9 narrows the results to documents updated in the past 9 hours
- the combination of tbs= qdr:m24 – in the last 24 months.
- Date range parameter
- by using **tbs **you can specify a date range update of the document, in this case, it takes the following format:
- tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:01.07.2016,cd_max:01.08.2016
- Language parameter
- The query parameter &lr in a Google search refers to filtering search results based on a specific language e.g. Greek &lr=lang_el
- Country parameter
- The query parameter &cr in a Google search refers to filtering search results based on a specific country e.g. Greece &cr=countryGR
- Filter parameter
- filter=0 show hidden results that are very similar to the already presented
- Content type parameter
- tbm - search for different types of content that takes values
app:: search for apps
bks:: search for books
isch:: search for image
nws:: news search
vid:: video search
- Results per page parameter
- - num – number of results per page the search takes values from 1 to 100
- Query parameter
- either this or that
When you’re not sure whether you have correctly entered the words in the search, add few potential variations of what you’re looking for. Separate the words by typing the ’|’ symbol or you can also use ‘or’
- example:: shankar sharma | gupta
- searching using synonyms
- If you need to find websites on a given subject rather than those that include a specific phrase, type ’~’ to your search. For example, if you search for the term ‘interest rates ~ppf’ you’ll get results about the updates on ppf interest rates and interest rate calulators.
- example:: interest rates ~ppf
- Searching within websites
When you want to read a specific article from a website, type the address of the site, then a key word or entire phrase from the article, and it should come up immediately
- example:: site:healis.eu+“neurorganon”
- Power of asterisk
When we forget one key word, phrase, or number just use '' in the place of the word/phrase you can’t remember, and you should be able to find the results you’re looking for
- example:: 11.22
- Using a time frame
To get information on events that occurred during a certain time frame just add three dots between the dates
- example:: scientific discoveries 2010..2020
- Searching for a title or URL
To find the key words and name of an article, type ‘intitle:’ before the search term, without any spaces between them
- example:: intitle: ΝΙΚΗ
- Finding similar websites
If you’ve found something you really like online and want to find similar websites, type in “related:” and then the address of the site, again without a space between them
- example:: related: healis.eu
- Whole phrases
Typing your search term(s) within quotation marks is the simplest and most effective way to find something specific and in the exact order you typed it in
- example:: ""I am the king of the world""
- Irrelevant search words
To remove irrelevant search words from your query, simply write a minus symbol before each one. For example, you want to know about latest Bollywood movies, but you aren’t looking at Karan Johar ones, you can write the following:
- example:: recent bollywood movies -karan -johar